Dobson Place Chandler AZ 85225
Dobson Place is located north-west of Gilbert Road and Chandler Blvd in Chandler zip code 85225, at the border of Town of Gilbert and City of Chandler.
Dobson Place is located north-west of Gilbert Road and Chandler Blvd in Chandler zip code 85225, at the border of Town of Gilbert and City of Chandler.
February 2022 average sold price for single family home in Chandler 85225 is $506,070, that is about 20.5% increased from a year ago
2022 February Chandler AZ Market Report, statistics and house value. February 2022 average sold price for single family home in Chandler is $620,286, that is about 20.6% increased from a year ago.
2022 January Chandler AZ 85225 Market Report, statistics and house value. January 2022 average sold price for single family home in Chandler 85225 is $489,573, that is about 25.7% increased from a year ago.
2021 Chandler AZ 85225 Market Report, statistics and house value. 2021 average sold price for single family home in Chandler 85225 is $440,953, that is about 27.5% increased from a year ago.
2021 December Chandler AZ 85225 Market Report, statistic and house value. December 2021 average sold price for single family home in Chandler 85225 is $468,503, that is about 23.5% increased from a year ago.
2021 December Chandler AZ Market Report, statistics and house value. Average sold price for single family home in Chandler is $595,277, that is about 23.4% increased from a year ago.
2021 November Chandler AZ 85225 Market Report, statistics and house value. Average sold price for single family home in Chandler 85225 is $463,441, that is about 28.5% increased from a year ago.
2021 November Chandler AZ Market Report, statistics and house value. Average sold price for single family home in Chandler is $565,943, that is about 27.6% increased from a year ago.
2021 October Chandler AZ 85225 Market Report, statistics and house value. Average sold price for single family home in Chandler 85225 is $445,967, that is about 21.4% increased from a year ago.